A new specie
a project about coexistence.
Biodiesel Factory for Infinita Renovables.
Salvaterra, Vigo, Spain.
Full design project.
Architects: Victoria Acebo + Angel Alonso.
15.000 sqm facilities for the production of 600.000 tons/year of biofuel, storage and distribution.
Structural Engineer: Alejandro Bernabeu
Mechanicals: JG Engineers.
Colaborators architects: Asa Nakano
Gonzalo del Val
The synthetic is the chemical, the elaborated, the artificial. The synthetic is also the summary, the simplified, the extract. In a clear way this belongs to the industrial process and our thought process. The synthetic has its own mechanisms of expression based on the evidence of artificiality. The material of synthetic origin contains in its appearance information about its mestizo origin.

we were committed to contribute with a sustainable design of a huge 15.000sqm biodiesel factory to be built at Salvaterra, Vigo, Spain.
aceboXalonso designed from scratch a new strategic plan to substitute the old one designed by engineers and developed a full construction project of the facilities and free areas.

by optimizing the location of the different facilities and processes, 27% of the previously paved surface was turned into green areas to reforest.

A fully prefabricated structure was designed to adapt to the requirements of unpredictable interior arrangement of industrial sets that are varying along the linear disposal and to ease its later dismantling

headquarter offices suspended on parking lot

meeting rooms and audiovisual spaces

prototypes of recycled polyester flexible panels