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Vars House


Victoria Acebo + Ángel Alonso. 


Architect Project director: Nuria Muruais 

Models & drawings:Alexandra Revelo, Keigo Kobayashi, 


Structure engineer: Alejandro Bernabeu NB35


Location: Madrid Spain

Plot surface 20.000 sqm

Total built surface 1.400 sqm

Budget   1.350.000 euros


Photo: Eugeni Pons     

After climbing the hill we thought, ingenuously, that the best way to settle here would be to lie down on a carpet protected from the sun by a parasol.


A carpet that we’d be able to wrinkle to be more comfortable, a parasol that rises and goes down, changing the character of the space that it covers, adaptable to the positions of the body.


House and body are recognized in that both are opened systems, in constant exchange with the exterior.

It would be interesting also to extend a little the experience of ascension, to remake a new top, to inhabit the peak.

so we digged a huge hole

to built an underground level over the ground

just to cover it all again 

and fill this with concrete

one day, it all appeared. 

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aceboXalonso Studio

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