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ZFGV is a fiction project that aims to become a reality. 
Commissioned by Fundación Telefonica to be part of the exhibition Laboratorio Gran Via.

Architects: Victoria Acebo & Angel Alonso / Production: ZooHaus / Video: Zoohaus & Andrés Federico, Paco Ruiz & Gema Segura / Multimedia: Jose Salinas / legal advisor: Stipendium Advisors / Special collaboration of Krapoola

The Free Zones are strategic places that are distributed throughout the international geography in order to attract commercial activity and act as Local Development Agency. This is achieved thanks to a relaxed and special jurisdiction.
aceboXalonso wishes to include the Gran Vía within this privileged club that moves around the worldwith  freedom and agility to promote the business opportunity.

aceboxalonso zfgv gran via


aceboXalonso Studio

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